Performance reviews are often viewed as difficult by both supervisors and employees. If you manage others, it means reviewing goals that might be out-of-date, preparing for hours, figuring out how to give feedback in a way that’s productive, and helping people set goals. There are two webinar recordings on this topic:

  • Managing and Evaluating Performance (recorded March 29, 2017)
    • This webinar is an overview of the foundational performance management process. It describes an effective way to set goals, how to plan, coach and evaluate performance throughout the year, and best practices for writing and delivering a performance review.
  • Performance Management Reality Check (recorded February 27th, 2019)
    • This webinar is a deeper dive into the performance management process. It's also a realistic look at why performance management can be so difficult, especially at the University. You'll learn ways to take action to improve your current performance management approach, and how some departments at the University have improved their performance management process.

Managing and Evaluating Performance Webinar (Recorded March 29, 2017)

You can also listen to the podcast version of this webinar:

Performance Management Reality Check (Recorded on February 27, 2019)

Download the accompanying ActionSheet to follow along and take notes.

Or, listen to the podcast version of this webinar:

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Want to dig deeper?

The science behind Effective Performance Management - materials curated for you by our Leadership and Talent Development team.

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