When hiring don’t be tempted to rush the final decision. This may save time in the short term, but can lead to problems later if you end up hiring the wrong person. A sense of being rushed can lead to making a decision without fully considering the candidate’s development needs or not allotting time to address concerns that the hiring team has about the candidate.


Watch Introductory Video

Review Quick Guide

The Quick Guide to Making a Hiring Decision outlines the steps to consider to make sure your hiring decision will benefit your department or unit for the years to come:

  1. Start by reviewing all relevant data points
  2. Assess candidate for current skills, development needs, and potential
  3. Have a discussion with your hiring team
  4. Examine your biases
  5. Make a hiring decision
  6. Follow up and prepare for the next steps.

View the printable guide below for more details on each step.

View Quick Guide


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