Recorded on December 11th, 2018.

In this webinar, we discussed best practices in the selection and hiring process and how they can make your experiences more effective. We examined ways to identify common pitfalls in the selection and hiring process and resources available to help you avoid making these mistakes.

This webinar covers:

  • Analyzing the needs of the position
  • Preparing for an interview
  • Making a hiring decision

Use the following timestamps to jump to the particular section of the webinar recording:

  • 0:05 Welcome & Introductions 
  • 0:55 An Overview of Selection and Hiring 
  • 6:17 Analyzing the Needs of the Position
  • 14:33 Designing Interview Questions
  • 27:40 Making a Hiring Decision
  • 39:56 Selection and Hiring Scenario

Selection and Hiring Webinar

Or, listen to the podcast version of this webinar:

Printable Guides (great for review and summary information)

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